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Kill Bill Bride Straight Sword

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Kill Bill Bride Straight Sword


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Kill Bill Bride’s Straight Sword

Beatrix’s sword was the only sword Hattori Hanzō made after his retirement and was supposedly the greatest samurai sword ever forged.

Although Hanzō swore a blood oath to not make another sword ever again, he is convinced by Beatrix Kiddo to make a final sword. Hanzō notes that this sword is his greatest creation.

Once the sword was complete, Hanzō gave a small ceremony for Beatrix in honor for her to have such a weapon. Even after the sword was created, Hanzō felt honored to give it to Beatrix. Once the sword was in her possession, she went off to complete her task.

This replica is a machine made blunt edged ornamental straight sword made of stainless steel with a wooden saya/scabbard.

Blade length 71 cm
Handle 27 cm
Width at widest point 8 cm
Sheath length 75 cm
Sheath weight 230g
Sword length 97 cm
Length in sheath 107 cm
Sword Weight 760g
with sheath 1.0 kg

Additional information

Weight 1.45 kg
Dimensions 107 × 9.5 × 8 cm


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